Friday, February 11, 2011

We Put His Face on A Penny

"Abraham Lincoln, king and good was honored and loved by many.
To help us remember this President we put his face on the penny."

I remember singing this song in my pre-kindergarten class and it always stuck with me. Really, it's not too early to start teaching our children a bit about our nation's history. And what a better way to start than with the birthday of one of our nation's most important historical figures. Here are some ways to celebrate the birthday of President Abraham Lincoln on Saturday.

1) Abe loved breakfast foods, so celebrate all day with breakfasts feasts! Visit our website for a delicious breakfast casserole recipe that can really be served for any meal of the day. Enjoy plates of pancakes, waffles, French toast. Anything your family enjoys!

Abe also loved gingerbread, so cook up some gingerbread cookies or pumpkin gingerbread . Or, buy some pre-made at the store or a boxed mix. Whatever you have time for!

2) Since childhood, I've associated Honest Abe with a large, black top hat. Make a top hat to honor President Lincoln's legacy.

3) Log cabins are another symbol we associate with the life of Abraham Lincoln. I have 2 options for making a pretzel log cabin with your little ones...
a) You will need a bag of pretzel sticks, chocolate icing and/or peanut butter, a small milk carton. Slather the milk carton with the icing or peanut butter. Then help your little ones cover the carton with the pretzel "logs". Feel free to sip and munch on a few as your constructing your log cabin.
b) You will need a bag of pretzel sticks and the log cabin printable. Print out the log cabin template and help your little one glue the pretzel sticks to the log cabin. Again, feel free to enjoy a little pretzel snack while you work.