Saturday, February 5, 2011

Super Bowl Buzz!

Our family is all abuzz about Sunday's Super Bowl game, especially since we'll be throwing a big party and cheering on our favorite team, the Green Bay Packers, as they take on the Steelers. We'll have a house full of adults, but there will also be quite a few 2-and-3-year-olds running around our house. But my #1 idea for having a successful party for the adults while keeping the little ones entertained and out of the way? Plan ahead! Here are some tips for keeping your Super Bowl party a success for everyone...

1. Create a special area just for the kids. We're lucky enough to have a playroom in our house, but if you don't, move everything into the kids room and re-arrange some furniture is necessary to accommodate the fun! Hire a teenage sitter (or 2) if you can to watch the kids or share the responsibilities with the other parents and work in shifts. Be sure to move a TV/DVD  into the kids room so the parents on patrol can still watch the game. And never underestimate the power of a Disney movie in the DVD player! Also, try and set aside a "quiet" room or area or children who need a time-out, a nap, or a Mommy who may need to nurse.
2. Don't forget the kiddos when you do your food shopping for the party! Put out kid-friendly snacks at the kid's level. The good ole standbys: goldfish crackers, Chex mix, fruit snacks, juice boxes. These are all easy to clean up, as well, since none will stain or ruin your floors or furniture (especially if their all in the bedrooms playing).
3. Provide some special treats and surprises for the kids. I got mini footballs for the boys at the $1 store and some pom-poms for the girls. Football, cheerleading, and music stickers are also fun treats for the kids. I also stocked up on crayons and created Super Bowl-themed coloring books for each child (I am lucky enough to have access to a page binder, but you can print out coloring pages for the kids without binding them, as well). The Internet is full of sites with free coloring pages, but I've included some links below to help you out.
4. Organize a craft time. Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so put out the red, white, and pink construction paper, markers, paints, Valentine stickers, foam hearts, etc.... and have the little ones make their own Valentines! This will, of course, need to be supervised or you'll have one major mess on your hands! This might be good for halftime.
5.  Encourage your guests to support your Souper Bowl by bringing cans of soup that will be donated to a local food bank. We offer a prize to the guest who brings the most cans.

Coloring and Activity Page Links:
* This page offers fun games and activities for older children, including math games and trivia.
Teaching Heart has some cute ideas for football-themed activities.
Football Helmet Coloring Pages offer NFL helmets for every team.
Football Coloring Pages has a lot of cute football pictures to print and color.
* Preschool Coloring Book also offers lots of adorable football and sports-themed printables.

Up Next: Valentine's Day! Lots of fun crafts, games, and gift ideas to take you through the big LOVE day!

Cause of the Month: Ronald McDonald House. We'll share some ideas about how you can easily share the love and help out this worthy cause for children.

Stock up on: red, white, and pink constructions paper; doilies; foam hearts; paint; Valentine stickers